Guinness Book of World Records makes it official
The Guinness Book of World Records officially certified the “most swing dance flips per minute.” Who: THOMAS ROEDER What: 40 TOTAL NUMBER Where: UNITED STATES (IOWA
The Guinness Book of World Records officially certified the “most swing dance flips per minute.” Who: THOMAS ROEDER What: 40 TOTAL NUMBER Where: UNITED STATES (IOWA
Study after study is showing the incredible health benefits of dancing, physically, mentally and emotionally. Dancing is perhaps the best form of exercise
Tom Roeder The Swing Dancer joined Justin Roberts on Newsradio 600 WMT today for a great interview! They talked about how Tom reclaimed the World
This past week our Swing Dancer video reached 1 Million views on YouTube! Watch a copy of the video here: In 2005 Jeri and I
The evidence is overwhelming on what dancing can do for you! We all have busy lives and we can’t devote several hours each day
This AARP article goes over the amazing health benefits of dancing. http://www.aarp.org/health/fitness/info-03-2011/dance-for-health.html From physical, to emotional, to mental the benefits are so many. My
We did it! We reclaimed the Guinness World Record for doing the most swing dance flips in one minute 40 flips in actually in 58
On Friday May 5, 2017 Tom Roeder, The Swing Dancer, reclaimed the world record but his day started off at the KRNA radio studios for
Guinness World Records invited my dance partners and to perform at the Guinness World Record anniversary party in New York City It was an excellent
In 2005, my dance partner Shirley and I were invited out to The Last Call with Carson Daly Show, in Hollywood, for Big Bad Voodoo